Monday, June 26, 2017

Book Review: Knit One, Girl Two, by Shira Glassman

Knit One, Girl Two was a quick, utterly delightful read. It stars Clara Ziegler, a yarn dyer who finds herself facing a creative block. She finds inspiration in the paintings of Danielle Solomon. The two meet up, and come to inspire each other in their respective art forms. As they begin to spend more time together, they get closer. And then they go on possibly the most adorable date ever.

You’ve got geeky artists, queer solidarity, an adorable cat, and women bonding over fanfiction. Despite being a quick read, there was a lot of great stuff packed in. My favorite scene was probably the one with the knitting group meetup, because we got introduced to a lot of great characters. Several of them reminded me of people in my own community. It’s always wonderful to see queer people supporting each other, having fun, and just...existing. They don’t have to be a plot point to be there.

I read Knit One, Girl Two over the course of a hot, lazy afternoon, and it was a perfect way to pass the time. It was fluffy, and sweet, and geeky, and tons of fun. I can’t recommend it highly enough to anyone who wants a cozy read.

Until next time,

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