Monday, May 7, 2018

Some Reminders

Other writers are not your competition. Everyone needs a multitude of stories.

If you write to pay the bills, you are not a "sellout." We all have to eat.

You are allowed to write your experience, even if your experience isn't the norm.

You are allowed to write what makes you happy, even if others think it's "silly."

Writing fanfiction is valid and just as entertaining and important as original fiction.

You don't have to write with the intent to share. Your work is allowed to just be for you.

You don't have to make money to be a "real" author.

You never have to do anything you aren't comfortable doing--whether it's a writing style, using a social media platform, writing a certain trend or genre, or anything else.

You are allowed to struggle.

You are allowed to have off days.

You are allowed to go long stretches without writing a single word.

You do not have to write every single day to be a "real" writer.

You do not have to write about "serious" topics. We need lighthearted fun stories, too.

You don't have to write about your own marginalization if that's not what you want to do.

There are no hard and fast rules of writing. Use the advice that works for you and throw out the rest.

You don't have to aspire to traditional ideas of success.

You don't have to publish traditionally, or at all.

Your writing is yours, and your journey is yours. Others may have valuable advice, but you never have to take advice that makes you uncomfortable or just doesn't work for you.

You are allowed to write crap. That's how you improve.

Take care of yourself. Be gentle with yourself. It's hard, but I believe in you.

Until next time,

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